What do my thoughts matter anyhow?

Have you ever given much thought as to what your thoughts are; where they come from or the power they have in molding and shaping your life? This is something I have been pondering  lately. The power of our individual chosen thoughts combined with the power of emotion play a crucial role in determining how every situation, circumstance and experience will unfold in our lives.

Our world, the entire cosmos would not exist if it were not for God (or whatever you perceive the source to be) first having a thought to create it. Even though we are just human, the power of thoughts can affect our individual circumstances too. If we did not have the power of thought, we would have no power.

From our thoughts come our words. I once heard a word is like a living organism. A word is capable of growing, spreading, changing and influencing the world in many direct and indirect ways through others. Until I heard this, I had never thought about a word being ‘alive’ but then when I think of words that have been passed through generations being read or spoken today, they seem just as alive as if they were a person standing in front of me.  As I have reflected about the power of the word to stimulate and segregate, to still and connect, or to produce and achieve change, I am realizing the importance to be ever more careful in what I say and how I listen to the words around me.

Being able to understand and learn how to consciously and intentionally execute the power of your thoughts and words is an essential component to reaching and experiencing your most sought after desires and dreams.

I recently stumbled upon the research of Dr. Masaru Emoto and have found his findings to be extremely insightful.  Here is a video explaining his research in more detail… And don’t worry, it isn’t a boring academic video or anything; it really is interesting (:

Click here to watch the video and please do not read further until you watch it, it isn’t very long. (Sorry I tried to insert the video into the post, but couldn’t figure out how to make it work, so instead of breaking my computer in frustration, I thought I would just link it. 🙂 So… please watch the video before reading ahead)

Now remember the majority of the composition of the human body is made up of water. Think back to the water crystals and the affects the different words had in shaping what they became. How are your thoughts and words shaping who you are and who you are becoming?

Now I know changing a thought is easier said than done, (especially when they are so automatic) but the first step to changing your thought process is learning what your thought process is. I believe there are three core voices we hear on a daily basis. These would be the voice of mind, spirit (consciousness) and evil. Something that has helped me to differentiate between the voices and learn my own thought process has been to write down every time I have negative self talk, a prompting or even a temptation.  I leave a blank space after each thing and at the end of the day I go back and write what I did with each thought and how it worked out. Which thoughts calmed and made me happier and which had the opposite effect?  This doesn’t have to be done for very long. It helps to learn the difference between the voices in your mind and to be more aware of the thoughts you are having.

Once you are aware of the thoughts you want to change, you can begin to replace them with a more positive message. Please do not be discouraged if you keep finding yourself repeating the same negative thoughts, it takes time to change those old messages….after all, it took a long time to develop them.

Thoughts anyone? 🙂

Photo credit: Othello